4.3. Query Execution Commands

pg_exec — Execute an SQL command on the server
pg_execute — Execute an SQL command on the server and optionally loop over the results
pg_select — Execute an SQL command on the server and loop over the results
pg_exec_params — Execute a parameterized SQL command on the server
pg_exec_prepared — Execute a pre-prepared SQL command on the server
pg_describe_cursor — Get information about a cursor (portal)
pg_describe_prepared — Get information about a prepared statement
pg_result — Get information about a command result
pg_encrypt_password — Encrypt a password/username combination
pg_escape_string — Escape a string for use in an SQL string constant
pg_quote — Escape and quote a string for use as an SQL string literal
pg_escape_identifier — Escape a string for use as an SQL identifier (object name)
pg_escape_literal — Escape and quote a string for use as an SQL string literal
pg_escape_bytea — Escape a binary string for use in an SQL string constant with bytea (byte array) columns
pg_unescape_bytea — Unescape a string returned by an SQL query on a bytea (byte array) column, recovering the original binary string.

The commands in this section are used to send SQL commands (queries) to the database server, and fetch results from the database server.

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