Chapter 2. Building and Installing pgtcl-ng

This chapter describes how to build and install pgtcl-ng, making it available for use in your applications. You should check the release for README or INSTALL files, which may contain more up-to-date information.

This chapter only applies to the pgtcl-ng implementation of pgtcl. For other implementations, check the included documentation.

2.1. Building and Installing on Unix-like Systems

This section describes how to build and install pgtcl-ng on Unix-like systems, including Linux.

2.1.1. Prerequisites for Unix-like Systems

To build pgtcl-ng on Unix-like Systems, you need:

  • Tcl/Tk version 8.5.x or 8.6.x. (Older versions might work, but are no longer tested.) On Ubuntu and similar systems, you need the tcl8.x and tcl8.x-dev packages.

  • PostgreSQL version 9.2.x or 9.3.x. (Older versions might work, but are no longer tested.) On Ubuntu and similar systems, you need the libpq5 and libpq-dev packages.

  • The usual building tools such as C compiler, make, and a shell.

2.1.2. Building and Installing - Unix-like Systems

Pgtcl-ng is Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA) compliant, shipping with a standard configure script. You do not need to have a PostgreSQL source distribution available to build pgtcl-ng, but you need a PostgreSQL installation with libraries and header files.

After unpacking the pgtcl-ng distribution, change directory into the top level of the distribution.

To configure pgtcl-ng, the paths to the to the PostgreSQL include files and library files must be known. Starting with pgtcl-ng release 1.6.0, if the PostgreSQL command pg_config can be located with your command search PATH, you do not need specify the locations. For example, just this will work on many systems:


If pg_config is not on your PATH (or you are building a pgtcl-ng older than 1.6.0), you need to specify the location of the PostgreSQL library and include directories. For example:

./configure --with-postgres-include=/opt/postgresql/include \

The location of the Tcl installation also is needed. On many systems, this is automatically located by configure. If not, use --with-tcl=DIR, where DIR is the path of the directory containing, and --with-tclinclude=IDIR, where IDIR is the path of the directory containing Tcl header files. You might be able to omit --with-tclinclude if you have only one Tcl installation and the header files are in a common place. (For some reason, configure does not use the information in to locate the header files.) For example, the following works on Ubuntu-14.04LTS (assuming the tcl8.5 and tcl8.5-dev packages are installed, as well as the PostgreSQL client packages):

./configure --with-tcl=/usr/lib/tcl8.5

This may be needed if you have Tcl installed in an unusual place, or have multiple versions of Tcl installed:

./configure --with-tcl=/opt/tcl86/lib --with-tclinclude=/opt/tcl86/include

You can also use --libdir=DIR to specify the installation target directory if you want to use make install. You can omit --libdir if you are going to manually install the library.


pg_config expands symbolic links in pathnames. This is not significant for the include directory, but it can be for the library directory, because it becomes part of the built library (as rpath), used to locate the PostgreSQL library libpq at runtime. If you prefer to reference your PostgreSQL library path through a symbolic link. then do not allow configure to use pg_config. Specify --with-postgres-lib when configuring instead.

To build pgtcl-ng, just type:

$  make 

If all goes well, you will end up with a shared library file named something like

You can install pgtcl-ng with:

$  make install

to install everything in the paths set during configure, as indicated above. If the paths are chosen right, the result will be enabled for package loading, as described in Section 3.1, “Using the Tcl Package Command”.

You may choose instead to manually install pgtcl-ng. Refer to Chapter 3, Loading pgtcl into an Application for methods of using pgtcl-ng with your application. If you will be loading libpgtcl directly in your application, you need only copy that file into a convenient location for loading. Note that libpgtcl will need to find the PostgreSQL libpq loadable library.

If you want to be able to load libpgtcl into applications using

package require Pgtcl

you need to install libpgtcl into a subdirectory of Tcl's tcl_pkgPath or auto_path, and include the file pkgIndex.tcl which tells Tcl how to load the package. For example:

$ mkdir /usr/lib/tcl8.6/pgtcl2.1
$ cp pkgIndex.tcl /usr/lib/tcl8.6/pgtcl2.1

This is what the make install target does. Note: The name of the directory under the Tcl library directory is not important, as the extension will be found regardless of the directory name. You may choose to use the three-part version number in the name, or just the major and minor version numbers. Logo

This version of the manual was produced for the Pgtcl-ng Sourceforge project web service site, which requires the logo on each page.

To download a logo-free copy of the manual, see the Pgtcl-ng project downloads area.