Chapter 1. Overview

Table 1.1, “pgtcl Commands” gives an overview over the commands available in pgtcl. These commands are described in the reference chapter.

Table 1.1. pgtcl Commands

pg_backend_pidGet the backend process ID (PID)
pg_blockingGet or set the connection mode - blocking or nonblocking
pg_cancelrequestCancel an in-progress asynchronous query
pg_conndefaultsGet connection options and their defaults
pg_connectOpen a connection to the server
pg_describe_cursorGet information about a cursor (portal)
pg_describe_preparedGet information about a prepared statement
pg_disconnectClose a connection to the server
pg_encrypt_passwordEncrypt a password/username combination
pg_escape_byteaEscape a binary string for use in an SQL string constant with bytea (byte array) columns
pg_escape_identifierEscape a string for use as an SQL identifier (object name)
pg_escape_literalEscape a string for use as an SQL string literal
pg_escape_stringEscape a string for use in an SQL string constant
pg_execExecute an SQL command on the server
pg_exec_paramsExecute a parameterized SQL command on the server
pg_exec_preparedExecute a pre-prepared SQL command on the server
pg_executeExecute an SQL command on the server and optionally loop over the results
pg_getresultWait for and return result from asynchronous SQL command
pg_isbusySee if pg_getresult will block
pg_listenSet a callback for asynchronous notification messages
pg_lo_closeClose a large object
pg_lo_creatCreate a large object
pg_lo_exportExport a large object to a file
pg_lo_importImport a large object from a file
pg_lo_lseekSeek to a position in a large object
pg_lo_lseek64Seek to a position in a large object, with 64-bit offset
pg_lo_openOpen a large object
pg_lo_readRead from a large object
pg_lo_tellReturn the current seek position of a large object
pg_lo_tell64Return the current seek position of a large object, with 64-bit range
pg_lo_truncateTruncate (or extend) the size of a large object
pg_lo_truncate64Truncate (or extend) the size of a large object, with 64-bit size
pg_lo_unlinkDelete a large object
pg_lo_writeWrite to a large object
pg_notice_handlerSet a callback for notice or warning messages from the server
pg_on_connection_lossSet a callback for unexpected connection loss
pg_parameter_statusGet the value of a parameter from the database server
pg_quoteEscape and quote a string for use in an SQL string
pg_resultGet information about a command result
pg_result_callbackSet a callback for asynchronous SQL command result availability
pg_selectExecute an SQL command on the server and loop over the results
pg_sendquerySend an SQL command to the server for asynchronous execution
pg_sendquery_paramsSend a parameterized SQL command to the server for asynchronous execution
pg_sendquery_preparedSend a pre-prepared SQL command to the server for asynchronous execution
pg_server_versionGet the PostgreSQL server software version as an integer
pg_transaction_statusGet the current in-transaction status
pg_unescape_byteaUnescape a string returned by an SQL query on a bytea (byte array) column, recovering the original binary string Logo

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